Donnerstag, Januar 25, 2007
Sonntag, Januar 21, 2007
Donnerstag, Januar 18, 2007
Dienstag, Januar 16, 2007
Another car story...
I have had a good deal of time on my hands since I have been sick and off of work the past two days. Today I was feeling well enough to drive Janelle downtown and make a quick stop at the post office. When I got back into "Rolly" (our new stick-shift car) he wouldn't start. Of course he had been fine on the way there, but now he wasn't turning over. There are times when I feel that there is some car-god who likes to reach down and make my life miserable every couple of months or so....
Of course I had forgotten my cell phone, wasn't properly dressed and still feeling ill. I went to the library to find that the payphone was out of order there. When I asked the woman at the circulation desk if there were any other phones where I could make a toll-free call to AAA since my car was dead (there was one on her desk) she told me to go to the police station down the street. There I called AAA and went to wait for them in my car. Just for fun I tried to start it again, and this time, it begrudgingly started and I was able to get home.
I checked the car again a few hours later and it started up beautifully. I half wonder if I was hallucinating the entire event.
Of course I had forgotten my cell phone, wasn't properly dressed and still feeling ill. I went to the library to find that the payphone was out of order there. When I asked the woman at the circulation desk if there were any other phones where I could make a toll-free call to AAA since my car was dead (there was one on her desk) she told me to go to the police station down the street. There I called AAA and went to wait for them in my car. Just for fun I tried to start it again, and this time, it begrudgingly started and I was able to get home.
I checked the car again a few hours later and it started up beautifully. I half wonder if I was hallucinating the entire event.
Montag, Januar 15, 2007
This weekend Brandon and I went to Palm Desert to visit his grandparents. I can't remember the first time we ever went to Palm Desert together, but it was sometime within our first year of dating. So, we were sitting outside in their hot tub (probably a bad idea when you are coming down with a cold) and I looked over at him and was struck with how long we have known each other. We really have been through a lot in the 4 years we have dated (you couldn't help but...) and I appreciated him so much in that moment.
Our first Christmas
I have been looking forward to living with Jessie and Janelle for so long, there are times where I have to stop and remind myself that I am actually doing it right now and that these months we have will go by quickly.
We had our first solo Christmas in our first apartment. We have been apart on Christmas before, but this was the first time the three of us were together without Mom and Dad. We went all out with decorating the flat, buying a little Christmas tree and putting gifts under it. We even had 'twinkle-lights' up around the living room!
Redlands, CA
....and another view.....
(Megan, Janelle and Me!)
These pictures were taken right after Janelle arrived here. This was the first snow on the mountains- so beautiful! The first few times I came to Redlands to visit Brandon the smog was hiding the view. I had no idea how gorgeous it is here (can be here...) Hopefully Redlands will woo us enough now to help us ride through the scorching ugly months in the summer. (It was 117 degrees the day I was looking for apartments.)